Area 50 is a collection of unusual, difficult, or
simply lightly documented projects. Much of the information in Area 50 is intended for experienced hobbyists - not beginners.
The information may be incomplete or even incorrect and readers are assumed to
have sufficient knowledge of the areas covered to evaluate the suitability and
veracity of the information. Many projects will have kernels of information that
are useful for other purposes and those will be mentioned at the end of the
Be warned, these are not necessarily polished projects! Area 50 is
for inspiration only.
High Fidelity Audio Amplifier
Readers' Projects
Dual Tone Generator
Water Hammer Seismometer
What to do with obsolete Clock Chips
The Bug Duster
Phone "Apps." Really just Javascript
electronics calculators that I find handy. Double-tap the one you want and it
should fill the screen.
Mouse Versions of Apps for PCs (with little
Virtual Projects - LTSpice schematics
Low Frequency Active Antenna works at the end of a long
coax run.
Schumann Resonance Converter
Prospector's Ionization Chamber
PPS Generator (1, 10, 100, 1000 PPS)
White Noise Generators
Electronic Mouse/Rat Trap
Portable Radon
Extremely Isolated
High Voltage Supply
Low Noise, High Gain Audio
Impulse Power!
What The Heck are
these circuits? (scraps of paper with schematics).
Ghost Detector!
RF Isolator
Notes are random notes and ideas regarding my Isolator/Circulator. These are
just notes, so errors may exist. It looks like I was trying to come up with a
version that uses standard resistor values.
MC1466 Replacement Circuit,
10MHz to 60 Hz frequency